COVID-19 Update at Harvestland Church

March 14, 2020

As we take into consideration health concerns currently surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) we wanted to update you on the safety precautions we are taking as a church.

  1. We are having service tomorrow at the church building (March 15, 2020). PLEASE stay home if you are not feeling well, if you have underline health issues or if you prefer to stay home due to concerns of being exposed to COVID-19 or any other sickness going around.
  2. The building is being deep cleaned today with sanitizers and other strong disinfectants. Hand sanitizer is available as you enter and leave. Wash your hands thoroughly before coming to church.
  3. We are omitting welcome time as well as handshakes and hugs before and after and during the service. The sanctuary seats have been spread apart for safety as well.
  4. If you are staying home we will be online on Facebook. Here is a link to our Facebook page.
  5. As always, I know the Lord is always with us and unites us through every situation whether we are physically together or not ...we are all the church! Through this we will grow! Trials create perseverance and perseverance creates growth!
  6. We know God will provide for you and for the church during this time. There are several ways you can continue to give :

- Give online here

- Mail in your giving (preferably no cash) to:

5848 Clintonville Rd., Clarkston, MI 48348

Thank you so much!

After tomorrow's service, leadership will be meeting to discuss our next steps. You will be receiving a letter in the mail next week explaining our plan as a church body as we anticipate taking a pause from physically gathering after this Sunday.

We love you, we're praying for you and remember let's pray this will bring people closer to Jesus!

- Pastor Pete Freeman